A curated selection of SillyTavern character cards
Did you know that some creators include images built right into their character card? Yup, it's true. Thing is, SillyTavern forbids loading any external media by default thus preventing any images from loading in the chat.
Fortunately, this is a very quick and easy setting to modify. The steps below will teach you to change the setting globally, or on a per-character basic. Let's get started!
Load up SillyTavern and then click the card image in the top right corner of the screen to open the Character Management tab.
Open up the character that you'd like to enable external media for and click on the little "eye" icon to reveal the description and first message box.
Find the box that's labelled Ext. Media and click on it.
Click on the box that says Always Allowed and then click OK.
Excellent! External media should now be allowed for that particular character. Let's quickly test to see if it's working. Open up a chat with the character you just enabled external media for. Copy/Paste the following text and click send:

If you see an image load in your chat, congratulations! You did it!.
If you'd rather enable external media globally so that all cards automatically load any included images, click on the User Settings button at the top of the screen.
In the right hand column of the User Settings tab titled Chat/Message Handling, you'll find an option that says Forbid External Media. Make sure that the toggle is NOT selected. Double-negative...confusing, I know.
With external media no longer forbidden, close any chats you have open. Then, enter the following text into the temporary chat and submit it:

If the image shows up, congratulations! External media has been enabled globally and you no longer need to worry about missing out on any images included with your character cards.
Great work! That wasn't too hard, right? I suppose that if you're reading this guide you probably already have a card in mind that you'd like to test the external media feature out with. If not, though, why not chat with Violet, a bot that's dying to text you some photos...
Thanks for reading! If there are any cards you'd like to see featured on the site, I strongly encourage you to submit them for consideration. Got a question? Some comments, perhaps? Drop me a line! I'd love to hear from you!
--- SashaSynapse~